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Category: Prepositions

  • Below and Under: Understanding the Difference

    When it comes to using below and under, many people find it difficult to distinguish between these two words. After all, they both seem to convey something that is situated in a lower position, right? While it is true that below and under share some similarities, they are not completely interchangeable. In this article, we…

  • Prepositions Exercises with Answers

    We usually use prepositions to create connections in time, space, and among people and things. The following words are prepositions : Get free English grammar exercises into your email: Send Me about above across after against along among around at before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond by despite down during for from in…

  • The Difference Between since and for

    The Difference Between “since” and “for” We use both since and for to say how long something has been happening: I’ve been waiting for you since 8 o’clock. I’ve been  waiting for you for two hours. We use “since” when we say the beginning of the period (8 o’clock). We use “for” when we say…

  • Preposition + Gerund Exercises + Answers

    If a verb comes after a preposition such as in, at, with, about, of, on, etc. the verb  must end in-ing. These prepositions must be followed by gerund. Let’s see the following examples (preposition + gerund): Get free English grammar exercises into your email: Send Me I’m interested in working for you. She’s very good at singing slow songs. He’s…

  • For and During

    For and during are different in some ways. Although they look similar in meaning, they are not interchangeable. Let’s see the differences. Get free English grammar exercises into your email: Send Me   For We use for to say how long something goes on. For is followed by a period of time, such as for six months, for an hour, for five…

  • During – While

    During and while have similarity in meaning but they are different in use. During means throughout the course of (a period of time). While means at the time as. They are not interchangeable. Let’s see the difference. Get free English grammar exercises into your email: Send Me During We use during to say when something happens. During is followed by…

  • By and Until

    In this episode we are going to talk about by and until. These two words are a little bit confusing for some English learners. However, you will not be confused if you know two things, the meaning and the words that follow by and until. Get free English grammar exercises into your email: Send Me The Meaning of By By means…

  • At In On | Preposition of Time

    We use at, in, on as prepositions in different ways. In this episode, we are going to discuss these three prepositions which are related to times. Try to memorize the following rules of using at, in, on which are related to times. Get free English grammar exercises into your email: Send Me At Before Times We use at with…

  • Adjectives Preposition Exercises + Answers

    At the beginning of this page, we provide you with the most frequently used adjectives + preposition just for your reference, if possible, study the list and try to use it in your daily conversation or writing. We can use adjectives + prepositions correctly by memorizing which adjective matches which preposition. Get free English grammar…