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Future Continuous

Language is a dynamic entity, constantly evolving to accommodate the changing needs and perspectives of its speakers. One such evolution is the future continuous tense, a grammatical structure that allows us to express actions that will be ongoing at a specific point in the future. In this article, we will discuss the future continuous tense, its usage, nuances, and speculate on its future role in communication.

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Future Continuous Usage and Application

  1. Actions in Progress: The primary function of the future continuous tense is to describe actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future. This tense allows us to convey a sense of continuity and duration. For instance, “At 8 p.m. tomorrow, I will be attending a concert.”
  2. Plans and Intentions: We use the future continuous tense to discuss planned or scheduled future activities. It implies a level of certainty about the occurrence of the action. For example, “They will be arriving at the airport at 10 a.m. tomorrow.”
  3. Polite Inquiries: The future continuous tense can also be employed to make polite inquiries about future plans or activities. For instance, “Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?”


Future Continuous Tense Form

The future continuous tense, formed by combining the auxiliary verb “will” or “shall” with the base form of the verb “be” and the present participle (-ing), denotes actions that will be in progress at a future moment. For example, “I will be studying tomorrow evening” or “She will be traveling next month.”


Future Continuous Examples

The Future Continuous Tense is used to say that we will be in the middle of doing something at a certain time in the future.  Let’s see the following examples :

  • Jack will be doing the test at this time tomorrow.
  • There is a football match at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening.  I will be watching the match during that time. So don’t call me during that time.
  • Next year, at this time, I will be doing the same job.
  • When I perform Hajj next year, I will be staying at the Sunda Hotel.
  • I will be playing games tomorrow evening.
  • I am going to be working at home from tomorrow on.

Future Continuous Exercises

Exercise I

In this exercise you have to make sentences with will be + ing.
Example : Sany is going to watch the television from 8 until 10 o’clock this evening. So at 9.30 She ……………………..
Your answer : She will be watching the television.
  1. Mihaela is going to study from 7 o’clock until 11 o’clock this evening. So, at 9.15 this evening, she ……………………
  2. We are going to paint the house tomorrow. It will take from 8 until 12 o’clock. So, at 11 o’clock, we ……………………
  3. Tomorrow morning I’m going to play badminton from 8 to 10 o’clock. So, at 9 o’clock tomorrow, I ………………………..
  4. Next Sunday, Sue is going to go swimming at sea from 10 to 12 o’clock. So, at 11 o’clock next Sunday, She ……………
  5. Jack is going to play tennis tomorrow from 9 to 11 o’clock. So, at 10 o’clock tomorrow, he………

Exercise II

Answer the following questions with Future Continuous/Progressive.

  1. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?
  2. Where are you going to be this evening?
  3. Are you going to be in the same village/block/area in the next 10 years?
  4. Where will you be working in the next five years?
  5. Do you think life will be different 100 years from now? Explain.


Exercise I

  1. So at 9.15 this evening, she will be studying.
  2. So at 11 o’clock, we will be painting the house.
  3. At 9 o’clock tomorrow, I will be playing badminton.
  4. So at 11 o’clock next Sunday, she will be swimming at sea.
  5. So, at 10 o’clock tomorrow, he will be playing tennis.

Exercise II

Different answers are possible.

  1. I think I will be doing the same thing at this time tomorrow.
  2. I’m going to be in my bedroom, listening to my favorite songs or singing karaoke.
  3. Maybe I will be in different places, and I will be meeting different people.
  4. I will be working for different companies.
  5. Of course, life will be different 100 years from now. Most people will be working from home. Most people will be shopping from home.

Download the exercise here.

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8 responses to “Future Continuous”

  1. […] Future Continuous (subject + will + be + verb+ing […]

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  6. […] to vs Future Simple Going to Future Future Continuous Conditional Sentences Type 1 Future Simple Future Perfect Past Simple Present Continuous vs […]

  7. […] baca Future Continuous Tense di sini untuk mempelajari lebih […]

  8. […]  Pada lirik lagu Green Light dari Lorde ini kita bisa melihat kalimat yang menggunakan Future Continuous Tense.I’ll be seeing you ever go.I’ll be seeing you down every road. Future Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung di suatu waktu di masa datang. Bahasa Indonesia tidak memiliki pola ini. Tapi pesan seperti ini bisa disampaikan dengan Bahasa Indonesia secara tersirat. Misalnya, teman Anda bertanya mau kemana Anda di akhir pekan. Anda bisa jawab Anda nonton TV seharian. Dalam Bahasa Inggris Anda bilang:”I’ll be watching TV all day this week-end.” Silahkan baca Future Continuous Tense di sini.   […]

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